To achieve in-the-moment results, use 6-8 pumps or 3-4 droppers and repeat every 5 minutes until desired effect is achieved (up to four times). Repeat as needed. Think enough volume here to get the job done. For example: KA Allergy, Serious Relaxer, Deep Stress

#2 MOVE-THRU-IT Strategy

To support optimum recovery rates, use 6-8 pumps or 3-4 droppers. Repeat every 1-3 hours for a day or two (with a good night’s sleep). The idea here is a persistent frequency. ~ Once you have achieved initial results, you can switch to more conventional usage patterns such as 3-4 times a day. For example: KA Immune, Get Over It, Deep Stress

#3 TONIC Strategy

For long-term, deeply nutritive support over time, use 6-8 pumps or 3-4 droppers, 1-3 times a day, typically for a minimum of 3 weeks up to 2-6 months. For example: Deep Stress, Daily Immune